Sakugan Episode Two Discussion

This is likely my last post before I move into my new place. So episode three reviews may be even later than the past two have been. Hopefully they will stabilize by the midpoint of this season.

Sakugan’s second episode was basically a full on glorified fight sequence. There isn’t much to say other than that the introduction of the mech, Big Tony, solidified the fact that this just feels like Gurren Lagann. Truthfully, though, that’s not a terrible thing. While it shows so much resemblance, the relationship between Memenpu and Gagumber is clearly going into a different direction than Lagann or Deca-Dence had, at least I think. The true highlight here was the bomb ass opening that played for the first time. Its absolutely beautiful and shows what this team is capable of.

Sakugan OP

Unfortunately the fight wasn’t all that great, Big Tony isn’t a super impressive mech but maybe that will change. For some reason his blandness reminds me a lot of Heavy Object, but that show by many metrics was way worse than this. In sheer entertainment, this has Heavy Object beat.

There was also some death that hit in this episode, showing what the kaiju are capable of, but what I’m interested in is if they’re going to take out Gagumber in the future.

Sakugan can be found on Crunchyroll.

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