Sakugan Episode Three Discussion

Sakugan remains a cute story about Memenpu and Gagumber, diving into territory to teach us valuable life lessons. But here’s the thing, I don’t review episodes the minute after I watch them, I let them sit a bit in my brain for a while and really collect my thoughts on them – but I can’t for the life of me remember a damn thing that happened in this episode aside from saying “are all the kaiju going to look the same?” Seriously, it’s getting irritating that they have such great designers on this show, and we keep seeing the same monster. But a discussion where I don’t remember the episode isn’t fun, so instead I’m going to give you my top ten flavors of ramen.

I just picked up a ten pack of beef ramen this morning, super great stuff that I only have to spend pennies on when I need cheap food, seriously did you think this was really going to become a ramen post? I was joking, Sakugan, despite me forgetting the near whole episode still remains very entertaining and if anything I did remember from it was Gagumber’s advice to Memenpu, “experience in the field matters, all you know is abstract theory” probably a much better piece of advice than the episode got across though as it’s mostly the two arguing about if the mind or the heart matters most (the episode is titled Brains and Hearts). So, I’ll give it some more time, it was still entertaining, albeit forgettable.

Sakugan can be found onĀ Crunchyroll.

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