Sakugan Episode Four Discussion

So, following up from an episode I barely remember is an episode I did nothing but laugh at, meanwhile I’m sitting here thinking this show is missing a lot. I think by this point in the series I’ve made peace that I’m kind of just continuing to watch this show as entertainment and it just kind of gets turned on while I’m watching other shows. That’s not to say that Sakugan is bad, it’s entertaining, it’s just going to be one of those shows that when the season is over falls into the massive pile of junk that gets released every year that people go and forget. This time around, at least I laughed. Gagumber and Memenpu have finally arrived at the colony of Jolly-Jolly (read: Italy) by way of arrest, where Gagumber tries to pick up girls in the local bar, and it’s here where we meet Zackletu, one of the girls Gagumber attempts to pick up – but it ends up in a western style shootout because she’s a wanted criminal. The episode ends with them fighting back to back, in a style similar to when Cloud got surrounded by SOLDIER in Final Fantasy VII right after bombing the first reactor.

Gagumber seeing Zackletu at the bar.

That’s about all that happens in the episode, it’s starting to kind of feel less like Gurren Lagann or Deca-Dence and at this point more like Cowboy Bebop, I’ll probably continue with it until the end just because there are some interesting bits about the world, like what exactly made Italy into Jolly-Jolly? We clearly see the gladiatorial arena and the Leaning
Tower of Pisa, as well as seeing the Italian flag colors on the visitor’s guide to Jolly-Jolly when Memenpu is holding it up.

“Why did God create men and women?” is the question of the episode, and the answer is clearly “To experience Sakugan.”

Sakugan can be found onĀ Crunchyroll.

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